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Also, Did You Know…?
Gentle Spirit Home Birth Midwifery Services Currently
Now Serving Clients located
within Raleigh Durham Triangle Area
3747 Benson Drive Raleigh NC 27609
Contact us at 704-420-0424
Gentle Spirit Midwifery Service has a 100% breastfeeding Rate!
Now Celebrating over 28 years of successful out of hospital births!
Did you know…?
The average uncomplicated vaginal birth costs 68% less in a home than in a hospital, and births initiated in the home offer a lower combined rate of intrapartum and neonatal mortality and a lower incidence of cesarean delivery.
Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. 44(1):30-5, 1999 Jan-Feb.
Planned home birth for low risk women in North America using certified professional midwives was associated with lower rates of medical interventions but similar intrapartum and neonatal mortality to that of low risk hospital births in the United States.
Johnson K, Daviss BA. BMJ. 330(7505):1416-1423, 2005.
BOOK: Journey to Birth
This book is about my life journey as a home-birth midwife. It includes the many home births I attended during my sixteen years as a practitioner, with particular attention to the last ten years. During this journey, I have learned a myriad of life lessons. Most of them strengthened me and my ability to continue on this path. There were incredible challenges, both joyful and painful. The most challenging lessons happened to be the most life-changing and transformative. Those lessons impacted my life tremendously, first as a woman, second as a mother and grandmother, and most assertively as a basic human being. This book will inspire, motivate, and provide incentive to those contemplating a path towards midwifery.
Book currently available only to USA residents.